Inside Activities to do During a Snow Day

Cabin fever setting in? Schools out? Are you looking for something to do to escape the cold? Check out some of these in home activities you and your family can do during these upcoming snow days!


Movie Day
Grab some cozy blankets, put on a fire, and pop in some of your favorite movies! You can turn it into a movie marathon day and have each family member or friend pick a movie of their choice!


Puzzles are a great way to pass the time. Not only does it get you away from the screens, it is also a great way to work together as a family to conquer a task and have fun while doing it!


Board Games
Just like having a movie day, have all your friends and family gather and pick their favorite board game to play! From traditional board games, to card games and games that keep you moving, there are tons of games that can keep you entertained!


Being in the kitchen together is the perfect bonding experience! If you’re looking for ways to pass the time, baking some delicious warm treats is the way to go! You can even enjoy these during your other snow day activities!


Snow Cream
With (hopefully) a few inches of snow on the ground, making the very popular snow cream is fun to do when you have the chance! All you need is some clean, fresh snow, milk, and vanilla and voilà … a delicious snow day treat!


Indoor Picnic
Picnics aren’t just reserved for the spring and summer months! Grab a blanket, make your favorite sandwiches and snacks, start the fire, and host your own indoor picnic!