Spring is well on its way and if you’re like me then you’ve probably been itching for green leaves on trees and butterflies dancing in the air. In preparation for Spring I have become rather infatuated with interiors that incorporate plants as a major roll in the decor. Plants have a way of brightening up any space, are extremely versatile and can be used in numerous ways to enhance and refresh your homes decor. The possibilities are endless because you can use plants to add color, create a refreshing and relaxing mood , to purify the air or simply as accent feature. In my recent quests to find the ” right” plants to adorn my new home with I have found several super neat ways to decorate with plants that aren’t your typical “flowers in a vase” thing.


1-Geometric Pots and Air Plants

You’ve probably seen “Air Plants” make a huge dent in the home decor scene recently. This is mainly because these particular indoor plants require little to no care and are pretty self- sufficient. Try putting  several of these plants  in unique planters and place them on  floating shelves . This look is super modern and super duper easy to create and maintain.

2-Quirky DIY Pots

If you frequent pinterest regularly then you are no stranger to this easy DIY project idea. Instead of using your typical clay pots to plant a cactus or aloe plants try opting for pots of different shapes and colors. This look adds a touch of quirkiness and makes your home truly unique to you.


3-Make A Large Plant The Focal Plant

This is one of the most typical uses of of incorporating plants into home decor but it is forever a lovely option that always works. Pick out a large leafy plant and white planter ( I prefer the color white or variations of the color white and patterns when using large plants and really any plant  for that matter) as this will create a fresh feel and place it alongside the couch or by the living room chair. This creates instant added flare to any living room.




A great way to add indoor plants is by hanging them in terrariums or pods. You can create mini gardens and hang them from the ceiling or display them on shelves. These are a great option for modern and contemporary homes.


5-Simple Branches

Instead of using an entire plant, consider adding a frond or branch here and there to add a bit of plant beauty. This works especially well with Bohemian or Modern designs.


Remember, because there are so many varieties of plants and variations in size, shape etc the possibilities are endless!!